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2019 Troop Calendar

January  3 Troop meeting  10 Troop Meeting  19 Klondike Derby  24 Meeting  31 Board of Review February  7 Family Dinner at Katonah Presb. Church-6:30 PM  14 Troop Meeting 19 Boy Scout Sunday- Boys Wear Uniforms to Church  21 Troop Meeting  23-24 Camp out on the U.S.S. Intrepid  28 Troop Meeting March  2-3 Campout Weather Date  7 Troop Meeting  14 Troop Meeting  16 Thrillz-High Flying Adventure Park-time TBA  21 Order of Arrow Elections  28 Troop Meeting April  4 Troop Meeting  11 Troop Meeting  18 NO Meeting-spring break  25 Troop Meeting  27 Field trip to Bear Mtn. Park and Camp Out May  2 Troop Meeting  3-5 Camporee  9 Troop Meeting 16 Troop Meeting  23 Troop Meeting  27 Memorial Day Parade  30 Troop Meeting June  6 Board of Review  13 Court of Honor  27-30 100th Anniversary Memorial Canoe Trip to Fryeburg, Maine August  4-10...
Recent posts

Troop 1 Celebrates 100-Plus Years of Scouting

Annual Family Dinner - Feb. 7 Our family dinner will be held at the Katonah Presbyterian Church at 6:30 pm on Thursday, Feb. 7 (Snow date Feb. 9). The cost is $15.00 per person. We will need a head count by Feb. 2 to be sure we have plenty of food! Please RSVP to We will have lots of troop memorabilia to browse through. If any of our alumni members have some pictures or a story that you'd like to share, please bring or send them to me ahead of time so they can be included. We would like to include as many alumni members of the troop as possible, so please forward this to anyone former Katonah Troop 1 Scouts who you think might be interested in joining us!

Spring Plant Sale

We promise… Spring will soon be here and now is the time to start thinking about some gorgeous flowers for your yard!  We are once again offering a variety of sun and shade-loving plants during our pre-sale from now through April 23.  Have a look at the accompanying order form and feel free to share it with friends, neighbors and co-workers!  CLICK THE IMAGE AT LEFT TO DOWNLOAD THE ORDER FORM The plants will be delivered from the grower in Canada the week of May 9.  We will give you a call when your order is ready to pick up. We will also have a variety of plants other than those on the order form available for purchase so plan to stop by 171 Bedford Rd., Katonah to see the selection and tell your friends! Please make checks payable to Troop #1, Katonah, BSA.   Checks and order forms can be dropped off or mailed to 171 Bedford Rd., Katonah, NY 10536 by the April 23 deadline, please! Thank you in advance for your support of the troop!  If you wou...

Memorial Day 2015

Katonah Troop 1 marches in the Memorial Day Parade to honor those who have served to protect our country and its freedoms. Photo by Danielle Winthers

Throwback Thursday, Camp Read 1974

  Troop 1 Katonah at the Curtis S. Read Scout Reservation, July 1974

Rotary Club Christmas Tree Sales

On December 1 the The Northeast Westchester Rotary Club got a big boost from Troop1 Katonah in helping unload and setting up for the annual Christmas tree sales. A total of 23 Scouts, leaders and dads showed up to help out.   Can you help volunteer? Follow this link to sign up:

Welcome Back!

CLICK HERE for our Troop Schedule We enjoy many activities related to camping, conservation, and the great outdoors. We schedule several hikes and campouts throughout the year, visiting local reservations and nature trails. We also take advantage of camping at Durland Scout Reservation (formerly Clear Lake) in Putnam Valley, New York. We also try to include long-distance historical trips, such as Bennington Battlefield, the Boston Freeedom Trail, Fort Ticonderoga, and many more. Besides the camping and hiking we do with our troop, there are three district events we regularly attend, the Fall Camporee, the Winter Klondike Derby, and the Spring Camporee. We also encourage our boys to attend summer camp with the troop. Our chartering organization is the Katonah Rotary Club . As active members of the community, we try to assist other organizations whenever we can. We help the Katonah Fire Department set up and help out at their annual Chili Night fundraiser...