Despite a last-minute change of venue, the 2008 Winter Klondike Derby was yet another success for the boys of Katonah Troop 1! Building upon our experience at the Fall Camporee, one of Katonah's patrols took First Place in the overall competition! The theme for this year's Klondike Derby was paying "Honor and Tribute" to the men and women of the armed forces, especially those who fought in World War II. Designed by Assistant Scoutmaster Otto Vondrak, the event put Scout troops into the height of the 1944 Allied advance across France towards Germany. A map of the trail was overlayed with actual location names and landmarks from the Allied campaign as they drove the Nazi army back into Germany. Along the way, Scouts challenged their skills in First Aid (organized by Katonah Troop 1), Map Reading (Mahopac 271), Fire Building (Brewster 1), and Signalling (Patterson 440). At each station, Scouts were taught how the skills they were demonstrated would be used by soldiers no...
Chartered in 1919, one of the oldest Boy Scout Troops in Westchester County. Any boy over the age of 11 interested in learning great outdoor skills as well as preparing himself for the future is welcome! Won't you join us?