Dr. William H. Smith (known simply as “Doc” to his friends) was Scoutmaster of Katonah Troop 1 for more than fifty years, serving the youth of our community and providing endless life instruction with a good dose of humor. As we continue to sort through Doc’s vast collection accumulated over a lifetime of Scouting adventures, we have discovered this special report on the very first canoe trip to Maine in 1954! It sounds like the first trip was truly an adventure, and we learn where certain traditions came from (like going to the movies in North Conway). We present Doc’s report in the only way we can… in the colorful descriptive tone of his own words! –Otto Vondrak, ASM “Friday the 13th dawned bright and clear, perhaps if would be more correct to say, really dawned. This was an important day for Boy Scout members of Troop No. 1, Katonah, since it was the first time in the history of this troop that we have really tried a camping expedition. I had been toying with the idea during the wi...
Chartered in 1919, one of the oldest Boy Scout Troops in Westchester County. Any boy over the age of 11 interested in learning great outdoor skills as well as preparing himself for the future is welcome! Won't you join us?