Katonah Troop 1 will be embarking on a day hike on Saturday, April 9. Scouts should be prepared for a day hike, including proper footgear and clothing, a bag lunch, snacks, and plenty of water. We will be reviewing the guidelines for safe hiking before our trip. We will be departing from KES at 9:00 on Saturday, April 9. We will return at 4:00pm. We will be hiking Sugarloaf Mountain near Cold Spring, New York. Call Asst. Scoutmaster Otto Vondrak at (585) 820-2341 to confirm that you are going. We will also need drivers. Sugarloaf Mountain - Cold Spring, NY REMINDER: Troop 1 Plant Sale
Chartered in 1919, one of the oldest Boy Scout Troops in Westchester County. Any boy over the age of 11 interested in learning great outdoor skills as well as preparing himself for the future is welcome! Won't you join us?