The September 29 meeting took place at St. Mary's School. Congratulations to our newest Order of the Arrow members, Ian F., Greg C., Billy P., and Ryan K.! They completed their ordeal at Durland Scout Reservation and are now members of Ktemaque Lodge 15 . The OA is the service organization for the Boy Scouts, helping to maintain our many camps and other properties. Thanks also to Nick K., Daniel E., Sean B., Kyle W., and Peter Baron for helping out with the Katonah-Bedford Hills Volunteer Ambulance Corp. chicken BBQ fundraiser. KBHVAC sold more than 480 chicken dinners! A donation was also made to Neighbors Link of Mt. Kisco. Thanks to the Scouts for their help during the event! Harry A. went over the principles of Leave No Trace. We did a backpack review in preparation for the upcoming campout. Hank reviewed map and compass skills with the Scouts. We need Scouts to come help sell popcorn in front of the Wooden Nickel Deli on Saturday, October 1. We need help from 9:00...
Chartered in 1919, one of the oldest Boy Scout Troops in Westchester County. Any boy over the age of 11 interested in learning great outdoor skills as well as preparing himself for the future is welcome! Won't you join us?