Hank Tschorn
Asst. Scoutmaster:
Chris Kristensen
Asst. Scoutmaster:
Bob Suda
Asst. Scoutmaster:
Dennis Winthers
The Boy Scouts and their leaders meet each Thursday evening from 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM during the school year, at the Katonah Elementary School on Huntville Rd. Troop 1 is sponsored by The Katonah Rotary Club. The troop was founded in 1919, one of the oldest in Westchester County. The troop is dedicated to teaching boys good citizenship and life skills through a program that is challenging and fun. These goals continue today and include an emphasis on outdoor activities such as camping and hiking and a dedication to community service. A boy does not have to belong to Cub Scouts before becoming a Boy Scout. He must, however, be 11 years old or 10 years old and in the 6th grade. Along with weekly meetings and work on merit badges, we also concentrate on outdoors and first aid skills. Our troop hikes and campouts often combine visits to historical sites, such as Fort Ticonderoga, the USS Intrepid, and the American Freedom Trail in Boston.
A number of Cub Scout Packs exist in the town of Bedford, including the hamlet of Katonah. For information about the Cub Scouts call the Westchester-Putnam Council, Boy Scouts of America at 773-1135.