This is a reminder that on March 4, 2012 at 3:00 pm at Carmel Bowl. Troop 1 will be participating in the 32th Annual William E Kelly Bowl-O-Ree to support the Special Needs Youth Learning for Life Program.
You are requested to wear your full uniform for this event. Each boy will bowl two (2) games. Prizes are as follows:
- Patches for all participants
- $100+ club shirts for boys who raise that much or more
- Prizes for the top 30 boys who raise the most (in the council)
- Grand prize drawing for a Tiger Cub, Cub Scout, Webelos, Boy Scouts, Venturer or Explorer who raises more than $300.00 to win an Apple iPad 2.
We handed out the pledge sheet at the troop meeting to all the scouts so they were able to collect pledges. There is a minimum pledge per boy of $40. As mentioned, we have decided to collect flat donations instead of a per pin pledge. The boys should then collect the money at the time of pledge so it can be turned into the bowling coordinators at the event. The boys must have this pledge sheet and money to bowl.
We need to have a full head count of participating boys NO LATER than February 26, 2012. You can RSVP by phone 273-2425 or email to either Lisa or Dwight Eisenhower. If you have any questions regarding this event please feel free to call. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at this fun filled event.
—Dwight Eisenhower
Katonah Troop 1