Thanks to Neal Pornay, long-time Katonah resident and former member of Troop 1 for sharing these old photos with us. At one time, the troop spawned an Explorer Patrol, identified as Katonah Troop 2. In these days, the troop met in Doc Adams' garage at the bottom of the hill at Edgemont and Greenville Roads. In this prewar photo (we assume 1940), the Scouts are clearly wearing a number "2" on their shoulders! From top rear left clockwise: Neal Pronay, Jeff Davis, Fred Ray, Ben Almond, Dave Brown (the great uncle of two of our current Scouts from the Brown family, Gunner and Jake), and Bobby Greene.
Seen here in this 1943 photo are Scoutmaster Paul Jones, center. Over his shoulders is John Bernardo. Moving clockwise: Neal Pronay, Ben Almond, Len Wilson, Phil Raneri (with flags), Fred Ray, Jeff Davis, and Bud Noe.
Here's another 1943 photo of the Explorer Patrol of Katonah Troop 2. Scoutmaster Paul Jones is seated at center. Moving clockwise: John Bernardo, Jeff Davis, Fred Ray, Len Wilson, Paul Noe, Neal Pronay, Ben Almond, and Phil Raneri. It should be mentioned that Neal Pronay is also great-uncle to two of our current Scouts from the Winthers family, Travis and Kyle.