Hello Troop 1,
This message is intended for the
following Scouts that need to complete their rank requirement for either Second or First Class;
Jack Kristensen, Jack Kelleher, Sam Hinkley, Max Klares, Clifford Munz, Thor Adamec , Chas Gilman.
The 5 Mike Hike at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation is on, rain or shine for Monday, May 21st.
Dennis Winthers , Kyle Winthers and Jason Hinkley may attend and help as guides for this event.
The hike is open to family members if they want to attend and can complete a 5 mile hike at an easy pace on a moderate trail. We will gather at 4:45pm at the Trail Side Museum and start our hike at 5pm.
There's a 70% chance of showers , be prepared for wet weather in the event it rains. Rain gear and hiking boots are appropriate.
Remember to also bring the following;
- Compass, maps will be provided
- Paper and writing implement
- Snacks and or a quick bag dinner
- Bug Spray
- Whistle
- Flash light
My cell number is 914 906 4917, please call me if you can not make it or you have any questions or concerns. The hike should be completed by 7pm. Have your parents pick you up at 7pm if they do not come with us.
See you tomorrow and remember to BE PREPARED!
Yours in Scouting,
—Thomas Adamec, Assistant Scoutmaster